February 2018 – Update #2

Hello Scouts & Scouters:

Another update for the month of February to help everyone stay connected.

Catch them Being Cheerful

Remember that we’re working on “A Scout is Cheerful” in February. Be sure to point out when your Scouts (or their siblings) are being cheerful – especially when it would be easy not to be. You can also point out when you see others being cheerful at school, the church or at the store. Books, TV shows and other media are also great places to help point out cheerful behavior. The more we can point out examples, the times they will see the behavior modeled. Let’s work on positively reinforcing the Scout Law.

Scout Sunday

We had a great turn-out for Scout Sunday. Eight of our Scouts participated in a responsive reading of the Scout Law with the Southway Church congregation. We provided insight into each point of the Scout Law, from both a BSA and Biblical perspective. The boys did an outstanding job with the reading, and that were all EXTREMELY well behaved. They embodied so many points of the Scout Law – Friendly, Courteous, Cheerful and Reverent (among others).

We presented a walking staff to Pastor Hess as a token of our appreciation for their decades of hospitality, and as a marker of a closer relationship going forward. The church made us feel very welcomed and loved. Thanks so much to everyone who attended and supported Scout Sunday. You can see our group picture here.

Crossover and Blue & Gold

We had a great Crossover ceremony for our Webelos Two den on Saturday, and a wonderful Blue & Gold Banquet. Thank you so much to Pam Brown for organizing everything, and her Dawson Diamonds for their volunteer service. We had a lot of great looking and VERY creative cakes from our boys. As a token of appreciation for all of the hard work that Jason McClure and Debbie put into Pack 404 over the years, we also presented each of them with walking staffs which commemorated the journeys they have shared with their boys.

Thanks to everyone who sent me pictures they had taken from their cell phones. I’ve posted those in a Facebook album. Be sure to tag yourselves and your kids, and share with your friends, family, and most importantly – grandparents. I know a number of people were taking pictures on “big” cameras as well. I’d love to add some more pictures to the album, so please send over any that you have. The B&G album can be found here.

Leadership Meetings

We have our monthly Leadership meeting on Tuesday February 20th. Remember we are also starting our “advancement workshop” to coincide with this meeting. This is a multi-den program for the boys, so that more parents can attend the Leadership Meeting. Our focus for this leadership meeting will be: Pack Committee roles that need filling, Advancement, and the March camping trip. More information on the individual Pack Committee roles can be found here.

Right now our Den and Pack leaders are filling most of these roles – in addition to their work in leading and organizing the dens and pack. For our pack to reach its full potential, we need more parents involved to help fill the Pack Committee roles. This will help ensure that our current den and pack leaders don’t burn out, and ensure that the responsibilities of the Pack Committee roles are being fully executed.

Pack Meeting

This month’s Pack meeting is on February 27th. We’ll have the “show and tell tables” available again. If your Scout is working on something either individually, or as part of their den, we’d love to share it with the rest of the pack. Please be sure to let us know what you are bringing, so that we can prepare the space.

I’ve added calendar events for Leadership & Pack Meetings to both Scoutbook and Facebook. Be sure to like and share the Facebook Page.

March Camping Trip

Don’t forget that our March camping trip to Huntsville State Park is in less than two weeks. Our dens are working on their programs and meal planning. I’m looking forward to this great opportunity to unwind and unplug for a bit. If you haven’t RSVP’d, please be sure to do by the end of the week.

Yours in Scouting,
Skip Clarke